It means 99.9% copper content and 0.1% of alloys.

Current carrying capacity of a cable reduces with reduction of copper content.

Pioneer Cables is committed to supplying its customers with the highest quality of product and of service.

Triple extrusion process, currently the most advanced technology. The extrusion is carried out by means of a triple-headed tip. This connects semiconductors and insulation directly to each other and guarantees absence of foreign bodies. In this way, defects to the internal semiconductor, which could result in partial discharges and a reduction in cable’s life span, can be avoided.

Short circuits may occur between two phases, between a phase and neutral or between a phase and earth (ground), due to use of under rated or low quality copper conductor.

Pioneer Cables gives formal one year warranty, but they never forget their valuable customer Pioneer Cables offers technical support to their customer.

Fluctuation is a result of changes in copper prices in London Metal Exchange (LME).

Once buy a sub standard copper in a cable become costlier in electricity bill per month for ever due to power loss.

Pioneer Cables Limited is the leading manufacturer of electric cables in Pakistan

Pioneer Cables produces medium voltage cables upto 33kV. The Pioneer product range also covers low voltage power cables, overhead conductors control and auxiliary cables, wiring cables, instrumentation cables as well as Low Smoke and Fume cables for projects where safety is paramount.

Low Tension Cable = Upto 1 kV
High-Tension Cable = Above 1 kV
General Wiring Cable = For lighting and general use also called house wiring cables.

Tension is a French word for voltage
AC voltage have been classified in various manners. In earlier times, there were just two categories LV and HV. As the level of voltages increases, there was need for more levels. However, there was ambiguity as to where each band ended and the other began. For instance 11 kV can be MV in some systems and HV in other.

The International Electro-technical Commission has classified the voltage into the following
levels (IEC-60038). This classification system is fast gaining acceptance.

Low Voltage – Upto 1000V
Medium Voltage – 1000V to 35kV
High Voltage – 35kV to 230 kV
Extra High Voltage – Above 230 kV.

There are two main differences between a cord and a cable.

A cord includes conductor sizes up to and including 4mm2 and up to five cores, and is generally rated at 240/440 volts (although some heavy duty flexible cords are rated at 0.6/1kV).
A cable includes conductor sizes of 6 mm2 and above and is generally rated at 0.6/1kV

A current which flows in a conductor will cause a voltage drop over the conductor’s length. This voltage drop is due to the resistance of the conductor. The wiring rules states a maximum limit for voltage drop of 2.5% for low voltage systems. Therefore, there is a simple calculation which can be done that relates the percentage volt drop, the cable length, and the voltage drop factor for a particular cable. This calculation and voltage drop factors (in mV/ampere/metre length).

A minimum thickness of insulation is required to offer a reasonable level of resistance to mechanical damage. If only enough insulation was used to insulate to 240 volts, the covering would be too easily damaged.

XLPE cables can withstand higher temperature (90oC) compared to PVC (70oC).
XLPE cables can have higher over-load capacity.
XLPE cables are lighter in weight and smaller bend radius hence lower installation cost.
XLPE cables has high short circuit rating.
It has lower dielectric and constant power factor which can result in saving of power.

Low Voltage
Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE).
Tree Retardant Cross Linked Polyethylene (TR-XLPE).
Medium Voltage:
Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE).
Tree Retardant Cross Linked Polyethylene (TR-XLPE).
Ethylene Propylene Rubber.

Type tests are the tests made before supplying, on a general commercial basis, a type of cable in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance characteristics to meet the intended application.
These tests are of such nature that after they have been made, they need not be repeated, unless changes are made in cable materials or design or manufacturing process which might change the performance characteristics.

When type tests have been successfully performed on a type of cable with a specific conductor cross sectional area and rated voltage, the type approval is accepted as valid for cables of the same type with other conductor cross sectional areas and/or rated voltages subject to satisfaction of conditions set out in the IEC specification.

The minimum bending radius of cable is that radius below which the cables should never be bent. The minimum bending radius depends upon the type, voltage grade and construction of the cable. This value is provided, wherever, required by the customer. In practice, wherever, possible a generous bending radius should be used.

Cables are supplied on the drums and are used only for transporting the cable from one place to other. Bending on the drum is carried out under controlled conditions in the manufacturing plant.

If the cable is installed following the best practices, not overloaded then the expected service life of a power cable is more than 40 years.

In the voltage designation of cables U 0 / U (Um ).
where, U O is the rated power frequency voltage between conductor and earth or metallic screen for which the cable is designed. U is the rated power frequency voltage between conductors for which the cable is designed. Um is the maximum value of the “highest system voltage” for which the equipment may be used.

The properties of cables are to retard or slow the progress of fire and flame along the cable. This is achieved through the use of materials that do not readily burn and will tend to self-extinguish.

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