Pioneer Cables was established in 1980 with the sole intention to create manufacturing facilities for production of XLPE High Tension Cables. During the period, such an endeavor was considered an enormous task for the existing cable industries in Pakistan. Even for us, establishment of such a factory involved a total transfer of technology, a new concept of manufacturing, with its own set of rules and standards.
However, it was always intriguing for us to note why local facilities for production of High Tension Cables were non existent in the past. The cable industry in Pakistan was certainly NOT in its infancy. Major units had been operating with sustained profitability coupled with growth rates of unimaginable proportions. Further multinational companies who are known for their diversity, inevitable expansion theory, geometrical penetration of markets, rapid product diversification were also unfortunately part of this reticent philosophy; enjoying double digit growth without any product expansion and development.
One was astonished to learn that until recently; only one or two companies had the capability of producing Armoured Power Cables in a respectable range.

Somebody had to bring about a change in order to meet the challenges of developing the local cable industry.
With great pride, we state that Pioneer Cables Ltd., was responsible for this change. We tied in a comprehensive technical agreement with AEI (U.K.) for manufacture and production of Heavy Duty Power Cables and High Tension XLPE Cables.
With this technical agreement Pakistan for the first time successfully produced 15kV XLPE class cables. The efforts that went into production of such a cable within our country were achieved only after surpassing various necessary hurdles such as:
- Transfer of Technology.
- Integration of Plant & Equipment.
- Creation of comprehensive Testing Laboratories to International Standards.
- System of Quality Assurance & Product Reliability
- Training of Pakistani Engineers.
- Training Skilled Labour.
- Diameter control Techniques essential for High Tension Cable Production.
- System of adaptation to Localized Environmental Hazards/Problems.
- Standardization of specified Raw Materials.
- Application of Modern Marketing Techniques.
And above all, a final approval from our Technical Collaborators AEI (U.K.) after successful type testing of our XLPE HT Cable at their Laboratories.
With this green signal from AEI (U.K.) our performance record in itself was the prime basis for all the Consultants in Pakistan to accept and recommend our products.
Initial Markets
In a short span of time, we had a successful performance record from various renowned projects within the country. They included among others Airport Development Authority, National Refinery (Lube Expansion Project), Pakistan Security Printing Press, State Cement Corporation Projects, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (Special Works Project D.G. Khan), etc.
All were supplied with 11 kV XLPE Cables.
Major Markets
Notwithstanding our efforts, success of orders from our Electricity Boards came a little later than our expectations. Nevertheless, the reasons for such delays were also quite valid. Due to long term planning, K-Electric (formerly KESC) had maintained a healthy stock position of High Tension Cables imported under UK credits. WAPDA on the other hand had numerous cables in the pipeline through various International Tenders.
It may seem somewhat evident why local infra structure for XLPE Cables were not encouraged. Credit’s was one of the effective mechanisms for high level products to be manufactured outside Pakistan. Nevertheless with consistent efforts, we were the first company to receive an order for High Tension 15kV class cables from K-Electric.
High Tension Product Range
Today, we are catering to the Pakistani Market for the supply of upto 15kV XLPE class cables. However, as per our technical agreement, our plant and its Test Laboratory are equipped to handle cables up to the 33kV range. To date, we are the only unit in Pakistan capable of manufacturing up to 33kV.